Senior internship programme

The senior internship programme is aimed at all those who want to remain active and gain new professional experience even after many years of professional activity. The DSW is following the suggestion of the recently ‘The Intern’ starring Robert De Niro, who plays the senior intern Ben Whittaker: ‘I want the contacts, the hustle and bustle, the challenges and maybe I even want to be needed.’ The 70-year-old senior intern works in a New York start-up company for whose boss (Anne Hathaway) he proves to be a great support in all situations in the course of the film.
‘An intern who has extensive life experience is a great asset to our company on the one hand, and on the other hand this internship offers the opportunity of a new professional perspective,’ emphasises Mohammadi Akhabach, Managing Director of Deutsche Seniorenwerbung. He hopes that this will establish a new form of internship in our society.
The senior internship is an attractive concept for both sides. The senior intern should have a commercial qualification. During their six-month paid internship, they will get to know all areas – from dialogue marketing to sales to management and get to know each other.
Type Of Opportunity
Age Range
Over 55
Language Required
- Over 6 Months
• Marketing • Sales • Networking
• Contribute to the running of company activities • Acquire new skills and competences
Learning Outcomes
• new skills and competences • networking
Deutsche Seniorenwerbung
Deutsche Seniorenwerbung (DSW) is an agency offering dedicated work placements and internships for seniors. In doing so, the agency is sending out a clear signal that older people remain an important part of the society.
Area Of Activity
Work placements for seniors